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Don’t forget to cast your vote

Nov 24, 2022News

By now most members will have received your ballot papers for the RTBU union election.

All members are encouraged to cast their vote in the election. All ballot papers must be returned to the Australian Electoral Commission by 5pm on December 12 2022. 

The strength and health of our union relies on its democratic structures and decision-making processes. All members have the opportunity to choose the representatives they believe will best represent their interests and the interests of all RTBU members.

Voting has never been more important. With our union increasingly coming under attack by governments and management, just like voting in a protected action ballot, the more people that vote, the stronger we are. A strong vote in the RTBU union elections will send a strong message to the government and hostile employers.

If you haven’t received your postal ballot papers, you can contact Catherine Bernoth of the Australian Electoral Commission on (02) 9375 6366.

Special note to Tram and Bus Division members:

An attendance ballot was held for Tram and Bus Division members on Thursday 17 November. If you were not able to attend the ballot at the depots, please use this link to get an absentee ballot from the AEC. Absentee votes must be returned before December 12th 2022.

Members at Randwick, Hamilton and CMET Light Rail, the AEC has been informed that these locations were not provided the opportunity to vote, and we are awaiting advice on how to rectify this.

In addition to voting in the attendance ballot, Tram & Bus members are also encouraged to take part in the postal vote. 

The postal vote differs from the attendance ballot in that it is for National and NSW Branch elected positions. Tram and Bus members should have received these ballot papers in the post. If you haven’t, you can contact Catherine Bernoth of the Australian Electoral Commission on (02) 9375 6366.

This is your union. Make sure you have your say.

