RTBU Express
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Disappointing start to TCAC refurb

Jun 16, 2014Loco Express

It’s been a disappointing start to refurbishments of the TCAC office area and the associated amenities attached to the building.

Following five months of meetings to discuss the refurbishment – largely attended by management representatives – a draft plan was recently finally made available to the RTBU project representatives. The RTBU reps were more than a little incensed by what was revealed to them.

The plans, which now mysteriously include the loft drivers meal room, incorporate significant changes to maximise the capacity of the TCAC meal room by cramming in additional chairs and tables (without actually making it any bigger), placing computer equipment in what were originally “quiet rooms”, and even more monitors in the sign-on area for the purpose ‘digital rosters’ electronic notice boards and the like.

Little attempt appears to have been made to accommodate the project representatives’ feedback on what members actually want and need in their working environment.

One area of particular concern was that there were plans to convert the loft drivers’ meal room into another training room (without consultation with drivers), thereby forcing even more crew into the already overcrowded TCAC meal room.

When these plans were tabled and viewed for the first time, the RTBU representatives walked out in disgust at the blatant disregard displayed towards a “transparent” consultative process. Since then the plans have been modified to remove the inclusion of the loft meal room and regular meetings are now scheduled to hold “genuine” consultation and allow for feedback from those affected.

Members will be kept informed as this matter progresses.

