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Depot Rebalancing Program

Jul 25, 2016Bulletins

Bulletin 24, 2016 –

To: Sydney Trains Guards

Members are advised that the RTBU met with Sydney Trains on Thursday the 21st July 2016 to continue discussions around the depot rebalancing program and the associated transfer issues therein.

Whilst we are continuing to work through the specific details, the following was confirmed by Sydney Trains:

  • Transfers will now occur in 2017
  • Transfers for Sectors 1 and 3 are PROPOSED to occur in March 2017
  • Transfers for Sector 2 are PROPOSED to occur to occur in May 2017
  • Central will remain a depot for between 200 and 240 Crew.
  • Crew from Central Depot will need to nominate a number of depots to transfer to.

These dates will allow for the construction of the new amenities where they are planned as well as the refurbishment of existing locations to cater for the increase in crew.

Further meetings are planned to finalise the transfer process over the coming weeks with a view to having all details resolved and advertised to members by early September.

Guards who wish to apply for transfer are reminded to submit their applications on or before the 1st of January 2017 as the transfers will be processed early 2017.

Members are advised to regularly monitor their Union Notice Boards and the RTBU Express website for information and updates.

If Member’s have any questions or comments please contact your local Delegate or the RTBU Office.


Issued by: Authorised by:
Michael Cartwright


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary


