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Country Regional Network Contract Transfer from John Holland to UGL

Mar 24, 2021News

Bulletin No. 16.21

The NSW Government announced on 12 February 2021 that they will award a contract to UGL to operate and maintain the Country Regional Network (CRN) on behalf of Transport for NSW for 10 years starting from January 2022.

This announcement was met with surprise by many in the industry, but none more so than members at John Holland who are currently undertaking this work.

We have met with representatives of John Holland to discuss the impacts this will have on their current workforce. These discussions will continue to be had over coming months.

John Holland have advised us they are regularly updating employees with information on this transfer and will continue to do so as new information comes available. Management is starting information roadshows across various locations to discuss concerns with staff starting this week.

We have also reached out to UGL and Transport for NSW to arrange meetings to discuss how this transfer of contract will impact John Holland employees.

Our RTBU Organisers will be holding depot meetings and will continue to do so with the aim of keeping all members informed of what changes are occurring and what support is available for members.

As more information becomes available, we will be in contact with you.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns you would like to raise with us please contact your workplace delegate or your RTBU Organiser on 02 9264 2511 or nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au.

Issued by:
Toby Warnes
Director of Organising
Authorised by:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

Click HERE to download the bulletin.

