Combined Rail Unions Collective Bargaining Update
Since the 21 May 2014 the Combined Rail Unions (CRU) and the Rail Entities (Sydney Trains and NSW Trains) have held negotiations on the 26 May, 3, 5 & 10 June 2014. A Conciliation Conference was held before Commissioner Roberts at the Fair Work Commission on 27 May 2014, to report back on the dispute previously lodged by the Rail Entities. The parties are scheduled to appear before Commissioner Roberts for a report back and further negotiations on Friday, 13 June 2014.
The key issues discussed since 21 May 2014 have included:
- Clause 47: No Forced Redundancy
The CRU proposed a clause which would preserve and retain the entitlements contained in Clause 47 in the event the High Court ruled against the Victorian United Firefighters Union in a case regarding a clause dealing with “staffing levels” clause in the Country Firefighters Association Agreement.
The clause proposed by the CRU was rejected by the rail entities “on principle”. The rail entities restated the position of the NSW Government and the Transport Minister that Clause 47 had to be deleted from any future Agreement. The CRU continues to maintain the position, endorsed by the membership, that the existing conditions contained in Clause 47 should not be reduced and should remain in any new enterprise agreements.
- Clause 26 Salary Maintenance
The Rail Entities has provided a response to the CRU’s claims for enhanced training, job swaps, priority assessment of displaced employees into vacant positions and increasing the length of time for people to seek redeployment. The CRU is examining the response and will respond on Friday 13 June 2014.
- Clauses 13 Facilitation; Clause 14 No Extra Claims; Clause 15 Changes to Terms of Agreement.
The CRU received detailed legal advice concerning the Rail Entities’ these clauses on Tuesday 10 June 2014 and has written to the Rail Entities outlining our general concerns. The legal advice received will be considered in further detail at the next CRU caucus on Wednesday 18 June 2014.
- Friday, 13 June 2014: Report and negotiations back before Commissioner Roberts.
- Wednesday, 18 June 2014: CRU planning day/caucus to consider progress of negotiations to date.
- 10:00am on Tuesday, 24 June 2014: CRU delegates’ conference with full report back to delegates. Delegate recommendations will be put to members’ meetings at the end of June and beginning of July
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