RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Recent News

The fight against bus privatisation continues

The fight against bus privatisation continues

Nov 30, 2016

Bus privatisation protests have continued across Sydney this month. Tram and Bus […] Read More »

Petition to save major NZ rail line

Petition to save major NZ rail line

Nov 28, 2016

The NZ South Island’s main rail line has been decimated by huge slips following the magnitude 7.8 earthquake near Kaikoura. Already there is pressure to not replace the rail line. Read More »

TFNSW refuses to release draft Metro timetables, fearing complaints

TFNSW refuses to release draft Metro timetables, fearing complaints

Nov 27, 2016

Transport for NSW has refused to release draft timelines for the new North West Metro rail line, worried it might cause complaints. Read More »

Future Operations Update

Future Operations Update

Nov 25, 2016

Bulletin 49 – 2016 To: RTBU Sydney Trains Guard Members, In response […] Read More »

Acting In Higher Grade Entitlement Dispute

Acting In Higher Grade Entitlement Dispute

Nov 24, 2016

Bulletin 48 – 2016 To: NSW Trains Station Members, For some time […] Read More »

Liverpool crew say NO to violence against women

Liverpool crew say NO to violence against women

Nov 24, 2016

It was a fantastic turn out at Liverpool Station for White Ribbon […] Read More »

NSW Trains uniform: shorts update

NSW Trains uniform: shorts update

Nov 23, 2016

NSW Trains has finally agreed to provide shorts as part of the standard uniform but not until February 2017. Read More »

New shoes while you get the boot!

New shoes while you get the boot!

Nov 23, 2016

Amidst all the angst and hurt Pacific National are dishing out to employees through redundancy announcements, we recently found out PN’s HR team have been busy boating to the corporate world of its “hot innovation area: recruitment” and its program titled “time for new shoes”. Read More »

Limited transport frustrating the young and unemployed

Limited transport frustrating the young and unemployed

Nov 22, 2016

Reported in the SMH: Two young job seekers living on the edges […] Read More »

Watch – Bus privatisation protest

Watch – Bus privatisation protest

Nov 17, 2016

Bus drivers and union officials targeting Sydney bus stations as part of […] Read More »

