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Bus Division takes the ice bucket challenge

Sep 2, 2014Bus Express

RTBU Divisional Secretary Chris Preston has taken the ice bucket challenge after being nominated by Brookvale delegate Narelle Sinclair. Watch the video here:

Narelle took the challenge along with co-delegate Ed Robinson and a number of other Brookvale members to raise money and awareness for motor neurone disease (MND), a terrible disease which one Brookvale member is living with.

Chris Preston has nominated the RTBU’s National Secretary Bob Nanva and the State Transit CEO Peter Rowley to take up the challenge, or donate $100 to the cause.

Motor neurone disease (MND) is a progressive disease that causes the degeneration of motor neurons and leads to the wasting of muscles. MND is known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in other parts of the world.

The ice bucket challenge is a fundraising campaign in which nominated people are asked to post a video of themselves pouring a bucket of ice water on their head, or donate to help find a cure for MND.

