Bullying and Harassment by Sydney and NSW Trains Management
Bulletin 32 – 2014
To: All RTBU Members
Recently the RTBU had a significant win in the Fair Work Commission (FWC) following a member’s complaint about being victimised, bullied and harassed by a Sydney Train’s manager.
The Union’s case depended upon ensuring “facts” and “evidence” was captured.
If any member is or has been exposed to bullying, harassment, intimidation and/or victimisation by any manager they should immediately report this to their Union Delegate and/or Union Head Office. They should keep a record of the incident and have other persons if they witnessed the incident to make a statement corroborating the report. It is also of extremely vital that members maintain a personal “Diary” to record any and all incidents that can be called upon and produced as further evidence.
They should also report the issue to the injury hot line (1800 772 779) and employee assistance (1300 364 213) (EAP).
NOTE: It is illegal under various Workplace and Industrial “LAWS” for anyone, including managers, to bully, harass, intimidate and/or victimise another person(s).
We encourage ALL members to take a stand against the use of bullying, harassing, intimidating and/or victimising employees by reporting all incidents.