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Bulletin 16 – New Cleaning Structure

Jun 23, 2014RTBU News

To: All RTBU Cleaning Members,

On Friday the 13th of June Sydney trains announced a further change to the cleaning structure. All cleaners will now be transferred to Sydney Trains or NSW Trains with a completely in sourced management structure. The Transfield contract is expected to end on the 30th of August after a tumultuous 2 years. The cleaners currently being managed by Transfield will now be placed in the Fleet Maintenance Division (FMD) or the customer service directorate. This is the final step in the fight to retain cleaning in house and the RTBU have been pushing for a return to a structure that works for our members.

At this point in time the break up looks like this:

  • Depots and yards will be managed by FMD
  • Station cleaners will continue to be managed by the customer services directorate and will be joined by their comrades in turnaround cleaning and rover cleaning
  • Cleaners in the outer areas like Newcastle or Kiama, will be managed by NSW Trains

There will be no change to positions and Sydney Trains have reiterated their commitment to the 2 year no reform period agreed upon earlier this year. This is purely a management restructure.

The new structure is currently being negotiated and there is a review period of three months so watch this space.

The RTBU will be doing the usual roadshow next week to talk to the members about the change.

