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Apr 21, 2020Bulletins

Bulletin: 18.20
To: Rail, Tram and Bus Union – Metro Trains Sydney Members.

Late last week, RTBU activists at Metro Trains discovered that management were not paying CJC-Ts for the hours they’d worked in the months of March and April. Many members were working many hours of overtime in good faith to ensure the network was running safe and efficiently for all passengers during the COVID-19 crisis.

The additional hours worked meant extra workload pressures, long unsociable shifts, and missing out on precious time spent away from loved ones. The issue was immediately raised with management and after some discussion they agreed that all CJC-Ts who were not paid for the additional hours worked will be back-paid in a special payment on 17 April 2020.

In addition, MTS agreed that any future additional hours worked by any employee will be paid in that pay cycle so long as members submit their timesheets on time.

We congratulate the union activists who shone a light on this issue and together we were able to achieve an outcome where you are compensated for the hours you have worked.

Amongst everything going on at the moment, things like this really show the importance of banding together in union to ensure that Metro Trains is held to account. Get behind your union activists and together we will get through this crisis with our heads held high.

If anyone has worked additional hours and have not been paid correctly please contact our office and the RTBU will assist you with your claim.

Any questions, queries, or concerns please contact your organiser on (02) 9264 2511.

If you are not an RTBU member, JOIN THE UNION TODAY! Together we are stronger!

To join, contact our membership services team on (02) 9264 2511 or email at nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au.

Issued By:
Trent Hunter
Branch Organiser
Authorised By:
Alex Claassens
Branch Secretary

Click here to download the bulletin.

