ATP Testing, Gosford to Wyong
The RTBULD are continuing to be consulted and involved in the ATP Project as it moves forward with testing, trialling and the fitment of hardware.
During March 2017 to June 2017 testing will be conducted between Gosford and Wyong using Tangara 8 car consist T13 & T103 with ATP software 6.5.0 soft key driver machine interface (DMI).
The train will travel each day from Hornsby MC to Gosford, testing between the AM and PM peaks and return to Hornsby MC. Sydney Trains crew will man the test train for the purposes of trialling / testing only, as per the test plan.
Consultation with NSW Trains Senior Management failed to secure drivers from NSW Trains to man the test runs due to “rostering constraints and not enough drivers” so the ATP Project (TfNSW) approached Sydney Trains for crew and agreement was reached.
The ATP Project then reached agreement with the RTBULD about the requirements needed for this to occur. An existing EOI for ATP Test Crew (2015) was extended and the appropriate training (TWP108) is currently being undertaken.
Training is being delivered by NSW Trains driver trainers and participants will be assessed by a NSW Trains principal driver. Training for the participants started on Monday 20th February 2017.
All ETR awards and conditions will be applied throughout the testing period.
At the end of the day the RTBULD’s hand was forced due to NSW Trains unwillingness to participate in this element of the ATP project (which is becoming more prevalent) and supply drivers.