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ARTC NSW Infrastructure Maintenance Enterprise Agreement Negotiations 2016/17 – Update No 9

Mar 21, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 8 – 2017 –

To: RTBU ARTC infrastructure Maintenance Members,

The EA negotiation team met with ARTC on Wednesday, 15th March 2017 to continue the negotiations for your new agreement. The classification structure and time based progression are still of great debate between the parties.

It was raised to ARTC that time based automatic progression is supported by ARTC CEO John Fullerton and by Jenny McAuliffe under the ARTC Victorian Infrastructure Enterprise Agreement.

Victorian ARTC Infrastructure workers achieve a minimum of a Certificate II including additional Certificate III units as automatic time based progression within a 2 year period. ARTC refuse to even consider a time based progression for NSW ARTC Infrastructure workers.

The pressure was put on ARTC as to why it was ok for Victorian workers in ARTC but not their NSW employees. The only response that management could muster up was words to the effect of “Well that’s Victoria”.

It’s the same company and it’s the same work being performed. Are we to accept that ARTC considers Victorian Infrastructure Workers to be much more valuable of their efforts then their NSW employees?

It is unacceptable; ARTC NSW Infrastructure Workers should not be treated differently to ARTC employees undertaking the same work just across the border. If it’s ok for ARTC to have a classification structure which allows for time based progression in Victoria, then it’s ok for ARTC Infrastructure Workers in NSW as well.

The negotiations will continue on Wednesday, 29th March 2017 after which there will then be a break in the negotiations until Wednesday, 3rd May 2017.

The break in meetings is to allow Luke Hayden and Jonathan Parker to visit ARTC depots around the network to introduce themselves, discuss the process of the EA, the challenges of the negotiations and to receive feedback directly from the membership in an attempt to progress these negotiations.

Once times and dates have been arranged for these visits they will be distributed in a bulletin with a follow up email to members at each location.

You can contact Luke Hayden on 0499 710 707 or via email lhayden@rtbu-nsw.asn.au and/or Jonathan Parker on 0418 166 742 or via email infrastructure@rtbu-nsw.asn.au if you require further information or any assistance.

In Unity!

Issued by: Authorised by:
Luke Hayden


Robert Hayden

Assistant Branch Secretary

