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ARTC NSW Infrastructure and Maintenance Enterprise Agreement 2016

Oct 7, 2016Bulletins

Bulletin 41 – 2016

To: All ARTC Infrastructure Maintenance Members

As previous communications from the RTBU have stated, the ARTC NSW Infrastructure Maintenance Enterprise Agreement expired on the 30th September 2016 and is up for renewal. Negotiations for your new Enterprise Agreement will soon commence. RTBU representatives met with ARTC on Tuesday, 4th October 2016 at ARTC’s Sydney Office to discuss the timetable of meetings and to present the names of your depot representatives on these negotiations.

Please see below the names and locations of your nominated representatives on these negotiations;

  • Jessie Tink – DUBBO
  • Ken Harris – BINNAWAY
  • Max Harrison – PARKES
  • George Fitzgibbon – CARRINGTON
  • Daniel Foot – MAITLAND
  • Tom Bouboublas – CASINO
  • Kurt Taylor and Luke Fisher – TAREE/COFFS HARBOUR/DUNGOG

ARTC depots at Cootamundra, Wagga Wagga, Gunnedah, Narrabri, Broken Hill and Enfield are locations we still seek a contact person for. If you would like to be the contact person for your work mates, so the RTBU can inform you of progress and updates on these negotiations you are urged to contact Luke Hayden on (02) 9264 2511 or by email on lhayden@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

In addition to receiving updates from your nominated representatives, the RTBU will forward communications with these updates to all members in the form of bulletin notices. We want to ensure that all members are notified of any and all information throughout these negotiations. If you have not updated your current contact information (Email address, mobile, home postal address etc.) with the RTBU, we urge you to contact Luke Hayden on the above contact information to update your details so you do not miss out on any important information.

The timetable and schedule for these EA negotiation meetings are as follows;

  • Tuesday, 25th October 2016 – Presentation of your Log of Claims to ARTC for consideration
  • Tuesday, 15th November 2016 – ARTC’s response to your Log of Claims
  • EA negotiation meetings will then be scheduled weekly following the 15th November 2016

We are all aware of the struggle and tough fight, fought by the members covered under the ARTC (NSW) Enterprise Agreement. Infrastructure members have always been an incredibly united group within ARTC and that unity will be shown once again when we start these negotiations.

It is important now more than ever, that all members stand together, back your work mates and show the company what a united front can do. These negotiations will most likely be the longest and hardest one yet. We ask for patience, unity and support from all RTBU members toward your nominated representatives from what we can only imagine will be a difficult time ahead.


Issued by: Authorised by:
Luke Hayden


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary


