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ARTC Infrastructure: United for Fair Conditions

Nov 9, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 72 – 2017


As actions roll out around the state it is clear, you are still strong and united in your fight for fair conditions!

Strengthened by your actions, your RTBU negotiating team met with management today to keep up the fight for annual allowance increases and a fair pay rise that includes back pay – the issues you said matter most to you.

After not moving for months on the need for annual increase to your on-call and living away from home allowances, your solidarity has forced management to agree to annual increases in both allowances.

This win only happened because you voted NO to management’s first dodgy deal and you took action.

Management is still not offering back pay or a pay rise above 2%. They have also cut recognition of your union delegates in your Agreement and your right to pay union dues through payroll deduction.

In the coming days, management will put this Agreement out for you to vote on. This vote is your chance to tell management directly if your wins have been enough or if you will keep up the fight. The only way to improve this offer will be standing together to continue your actions.

Your delegate will talk to you about what protected industrial actions you will continue in your depot.

Congratulations on your actions – we are stronger together.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Luke Hayden


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

