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ARTC Infrastructure Members – How to Vote

Sep 8, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 46 – 2017  

Ballot papers for your protected action ballot will start arriving in the post today.

It is important that you fill out your ballot paper and post it back immediately to make your vote count.

Your RTBU delegate team recommend that you vote YES on every question.

To make your vote count, make sure that you place a TICK or a CROSS in the ‘YES’ BOXES.

Please ensure that you do not mark the ‘NO’ BOXES in any way.

The ballot should look like:

An unlimited number of periodic bans or an indefinite ban on overtime

[ X ] YES   [   ] NO

Make sure that everyone in your depot votes!

Issued by: Authorised by:
Luke Hayden



Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary


