Are you a Kiwi living in Australia? Don’t forget to vote

Sep 19, 2017Loco Express

*****A message from the Rail, Maritime Transport Union in New Zealand*****

Kiwis out there across the world, this is our electoral moment. The polls have flipped: a change of government to a Labour-led government is more likely than ever.  We need every single vote to make it happen and so working people in New Zealand are calling on their mates overseas to make sure they get out and vote.

If you are enrolled and eligible to vote in the 2017 New Zealand General Election – but currently overseas – it’s never been easier. No visits to the local consulate – you can do it all from the comfort of your home computer – or even a smartphone.

1) First download and print out a declaration and a ballot paper from

2) Get someone to witness your declaration and then you fill in your vote.

3) Take a photo of the both the declaration and the ballot paper on your smartphone – or scan them into a computer – and upload them at


You can download ballot papers now and you can upload right up until close of voting at 7pm NZST, Saturday 23 September.

Working people in New Zealand are depending on you!

In unity,

Sam Huggard
Secretary, New Zealand Council of Trade Unions

