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UNION WIN: Big Changes Secured for Labour Day Public Holiday

Oct 3, 2024News

Bulletin No. 17.24

To: All TFNSW Members

Following our meeting last Thursday, we provide a first update on the dispute with Transport Payroll about Labour Day and payroll resourcing.

We are happy to announce a UNION WIN following our recent action in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission regarding the section 130 dispute with Transport Payroll. Thanks to your support and the collective strength, we have forced Transport Management to make significant changes for the upcoming Labour Day public holiday on 7 October 2024

Here is the agreement with Transport Management: 

  1. A total of 28 employees have been approved to work based on their availability provided to management and the unions. Some employees will perform a mix of normal duties and leave cover work, while others will focus solely on their normal duties.
  2. Payroll officers who have been approved to work will be offered up to 7 hours of work. There is no mandate to work the full 7 hours—employees have the option to work between 4 to 7 hours.
  3. Flexibility: Payroll officers will be able to work on their normal allocation or any coverage allocation on the Labour Day public holiday, as long as all tasks (normal and coverage) are completed by the end of work on Wednesday.
  4. As usual, there will be a team-based approach to assess the remaining workload, including normal allocations and coverage. Any additional coverage needed for Tuesday and Wednesday, including unplanned absences, will be managed collectively.
  5. The start time for public holiday work on Monday 7 October 2024 will be brought forward to 10am (currently 12pm), when timesheets are ready for processing. Those working on the Mailbox will start earlier (time TBC).
  6. Working on public holidays is by choice only. Employees who have nominated and scheduled to work on 7 October but later decide to opt out will be accommodated.
  7. This arrangement applies only to the upcoming public holiday, but Transport Management has committed to reviewing the process around public holiday work. This review will involve consultation with unions and employees.

While this is a significant victory, the fight is not over!

We still have at least five critical issues to work on in the future:

  1. Fair and adequate resourcing of Payroll
  2. To stop the direction to employees to falsify their working hours
  3. To stop the restriction of employees’ ability to take flex leave
  4. Review of the generalised payroll model that eliminated familiarity and direct contact between Payroll Officers and specific workgroups
  5. Addressing the failure of management to properly understand the work of Payroll Officers

These issues are still at the forefront. Your involvement and information have been critical in our progress so far, and we urge members to keep sharing their concerns and experiences to strengthen our case.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact your delegates Dane (PSA) and Aaron (RTBU).

Authorised by:
Toby Warnes
Branch Secretary

Click HERE to download the bulletin.

