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Station Duty Manager Performance Development Dispute

Jun 13, 2014RTBU News

TO: All RTBU Station Duty Managers

We are aware that Members have raised concerns in relation to the implementation of SDMs’ PDPs and as such Sydney Trains Management has been notified that the implementation of SDM PDPs is placed into dispute at Step 2, DSP Clause 9 of the 2010 EA.

Member concerns that lead to the dispute are; the appropriateness, measurability and achievability of the KPIs contained in the PDP, the lack of complete training in all aspects of the PDP processes, including the dispute procedures, and the way in which the Station Customer Managers (SCMs) are demanding that SDMs sign documents that they do not agree with.

As a requirement of the dispute process a meeting between Delegates and management has been requested.  It is also to be noted that as a consequence of the Dispute Notice that “Status Quo” prevails.

Definition of Status Quo: The status quo before the emergence of the dispute shall continue whilst the Dispute Settlement Procedure is being followed. “Status Quo means, the work procedures and practices in place immediately prior to the change that gave rise to the dispute”

Members are advised that owing to State Government Legislation and the relevant Clause in the 2010 RailCorp EA, the implementation of PDPs will take place at some point.

Members will be kept informed on the progress of this dispute.


