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RTBU Update: Metro Trains Sydney (MTS) Member Meetings

Feb 28, 2019Bulletins

Bulletin: 19/19

To: All RTBU Metro Trains Sydney Members.


RTBU Update: Metro Trains Sydney (MTS) Member Meetings


RTBU Organisers have been out to the MTS site at Rouse Hill on three occasions this week to meet and talk with members and employees about their issues at work and the importance of joining a union. We are extremely happy to have quite a number of new members join the RTBU, and we look forward to campaigning and organising around issues that affect you in the future.


What has been made clear to us is that members and employees of MTS are extremely unhappy with the pay offer being put on the table as an enticement to transition over onto the greenfields agreement. We have made it quite clear that the RTBU is currently exploring all possible legal avenues available to us in order to ensure that your conditions of employment over the next four years are comparable to the rail industry standards that we bargain for, rather than the provisions (or lack thereof) in the existing greenfields agreement.


RTBU organisers will visit MTS members and employees again on Friday 01 March 2019 and will be at the Ettamogah Hotel from 5:30pm onwards to have a catch-up with anyone who wants to come along. The Ettamogah Hotel is located on the corner of Merriville and Windsor Roads in Kellyville Ridge. We look forward to seeing you there!


Remember: the RTBU is advising members and employees to refrain from signing any documentation from MTS regarding the greenfields agreement. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please contact the RTBU on (02) 9264 2511.


Not a member? Then join today! This is this best opportunity for everyone to become an RTBU Member to achieve the best possible outcome for your Enterprise Agreement. If you have any questions, please email thunter@rtbu-nsw.asn.au or contact the RTBU Head Office on (02) 9264 2511.


Issued and Authorised by:

Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

