Retention of Employee Travel Pass on Region 6 Privatised Bus Services

Mar 5, 2018Bulletins

Bulletin 16/2018

To:      All RTBU T/NSW Transport Members

Members from T/NSW and Shared Services raised concerns about the government’s decision to “privatise” the Region 6 (Inner Metropolitan Area) bus services and whether they would still be able to use their travel pass on these services.

These concerns were raised with the Secretary of Transport.


The RTBU received the following response in regards to Region 6 Bus services.

“The answer is that the employee, as a current travel pass holder, will continue to have access to Region 6 bus services post transition on 1 July 2018, excluding any on demand transport services.”


Members will be kept informed of any changes if and when they come to our attention.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Graham Fozzard


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

