RTBU Express
RTBU Express
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Sydney & NSW Trains: Voting has opened!

Dec 12, 2017

The Sydney and NSW Trains Protected Action Ballot has opened.

NOW is your chance to stand together and fight for a fair agreement. Keep an eye out in the mail for your ballot papers this week.

Voting is simple.

Vote now. Vote Yes.

Don’t delay – vote today!

Why is it so important to vote?

A YES vote is a vote to make sure all action options are available to you and your workmates. We need all actions to be on the table so that we can fight for a fair wage increase and all the other conditions that are at stake. See more detail on what’s at stake at www.rtbuexpress.com.au/trainseba


In Solidarity,

Your RTBU team.

Download the PDF of this bulletin here. 

