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Sydney Trains and NSW Trainlink Guards: Have Your Say on Your EA

Nov 16, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 76 – 2017

Sydney Trains and NSW Trainlink Guards:

Have Your Say on Your EA

Negotiations for your 2017 enterprise agreement are on-going. To make sure you are kept up to date with the progress of negotiations you may have already received messages reminding you to update details with head office.

To be able to participate in all things EA, you need to ensure that your details with the RTBU and Sydney Trains or NSW Trainlink are the same.

To check your details with Sydney Trains or NSW Trainlink, talk to your Shift Manager or Line Manager immediately.

To check with the union, please contact your membership team on 9264 2511.

You need to confirm that all of your details are correct and matching immediately to make sure you can have your say on each step of this EA.

