Station Staff: Your Rights on Work Locations and Rostering

Oct 19, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 59 – 2017

RTBU members have raised concerns that their rights to work at specific locations and to certain roster conditions are being ignored by Sydney Trains. The RTBU currently has a Step 2 dispute with Sydney Trains on the basis of Sydney Trains forcing Permanent Full-time Fixed (PFT) Staff to work at another location that isn’t their home station, whilst having General Relief (PAR) staff available for that work.

It is important that you know your rights. Your rights are dependent upon your classification.

Permanent Full Time Fixed (PFT): This classification only works at one location (Home Station). A PFT member cannot be directed to work at another location unless they agree to this change. If you are requested to work at another station because there are no relief staff available or in the event of an emergency, you have the right to sign on at your Home Station and travel to the requested location. You must be allowed to return to your Home station to sign off at your rostered sign off time.

Permanent Full Time Reducing Time:

  • Internal (RDT): This classification is on the Master roster to cover all fixed staff members’ days off at the staff member’s home station. This classification can also be utilised as general relief during staff shortages.
  • External (RDT ): This classification can be rostered to work at a number of locations on the Master Roster on the same day and have Spare Days where they can be utilised by Management as general relief.

Permanent Full Time Holiday Relief (PMR): This classification relieves other employees when they are rostered for holidays. PMRs do have a home station but are not fixed. In the event that no staff members are on leave, PMR staff can be utilised as general relief.

 Permanent Full Time Augmented Relief (PAR): This classification is general relief. This means they can be asked to complete relief duties at different locations which can include more than one location per day however it is the RTBU’s position that you have the right to sign on and off at one location. If a shift needs to be covered, PAR Staff are utilised as PFT staff.

All staff classifications explained above have a home station. If you have any further questions please contact your local delegate or the RTBU office



Issued by:


Authorised by:

Trent Hunter


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary


