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Transport NSW Salaried Award Update

Jul 3, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 30 – 2017

To: All RTBU Transport for NSW and Shared Services Members,

Transport Unions have been in intense negotiations with Transport for NSW to secure your new Award.

On Friday afternoon your union secured an in-principle agreement with Transport for NSW, subject to endorsement by members.

The in-principle agreement is for:

  • a two year Award commencing on 1 July 2017
  • 2.5% pay rise on the first pay period after 1 July 2017
  • 2.5% pay rise on the first pay period after 1 July 2018
  • a number of new conditions including improved job security arrangementsStay tuned for full details about the proposed Award and more information about how you can have your say. If members agree to endorse the new Award, we expect that the new arrangements will commence within 4 weeks. This will include a pay increase of 2.5% (backdated to first pay period after 1 July 2017).


Congratulations to your delegates Christopher Colangelo, Iona Gardner and David Green for their leadership in all the bargaining meetings.

These delegates did a wonderful job in these negotiations by keeping the lead negotiators on the right track and, ensuring that all members had a say in the negotiations.

 In Unity!

