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RTBU Delivers Modesty Kit Roll-Out

Jun 21, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 23 – 2017

To: All RTBU Members

Thanks to the hard work of female RTBU members in Sydney and NSW Trains, the roll-out of “modesty kits” will begin on the 3rd July 2017.

After a member survey, it became clear that female members needed something to provide privacy and dignity when supplying samples for drug tests. Working together, your RTBU Womens’ Committee developed the modesty kit and got a commitment from management to roll them out.

That roll-out is now about to begin under the name and policy of “Urine Sample Assistance Kit”.

The kit will contain a Shewee type product in a sealed bag, along with gloves and a bag. The procedure for use is:

  1. The kit will be handed to the employee when requested by the employee;
  2.  Once the employee has provided the sample, the employee will deposit the Shewee product in a medical bag provided;
  3. The employee provide the sample and Shewee product (in the medical bag) to the tester (who will be outside the testing cubical);
  4. The Tester will hand over a container to the employee in which the employee can place the urine jar and the employee can dispose of the Shewee product in the bag in a medical bin next to the Tester;
  5. Female testers will be available to test female employees.

This workplace victory is proof that by being strong and united as members of our union, we can make work better at Sydney and NSW Trains.

