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Transport Equip system coming to Sydney Trains in July

Feb 11, 2017Loco Express

The Loco Division have attended consultative meetings regarding an integration of Payroll, Human Resources, Procurement and Finance so that these all occur from one place and not across multiple systems and processes.

Transport Equip is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution being used by TfNSW staff and Senior Service since July 2015 and Rail Management Service (RMS) since March 2016. NSW Trains staff have started to use the new system from January 2017. Sydney Trains will move to the new system in July of 2017.

Train crew will experience changes to the way their pay docket is formulated and the information it contains. The delivery method will be the same – that is, electronic or hard copy will be provided. The major changes are that there will be less detail on the payslip and the award rate changes from annual to weekly as per Section 4 of the EA.

Since Transport Equip is currently being implemented at NSW Trains, information arising and any impacts will be dealt with before Sydney Trains begins to use the system.

At this point, all previously identified issues and information tabled by the Loco Division has been answered. Members are encouraged to contact the office for further information if required.

