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ARTC NSW Infrastructure Maintenance Enterprise Agreement Negotiations 2016 – Update #6

Feb 3, 2017Bulletins

Bulletin 4, 2017 –

To: RTBU ARTC infrastructure Maintenance Members,

An enterprise agreement negotiation meeting was held on Tuesday, 31st January 2017 at the ARTC office in Sydney.

ARTC returned to the negotiating table with their position on aligning the ARTC competency framework with Cert II and Cert III in Rail Infrastructure. The RTBU EA negotiating team is pleased to report that ARTC has agreed to align its competency framework with the national qualification. Additionally, after a lengthy debate with ARTC, it was agreed that Level 4 would be reinstated into the track stream classification.

ARTC’s proposal is that Cert II will be achieved with progression to Level 2 and Cert III at Level 3. The RTBU position is that Cert III would be more appropriately placed at Level 4, as Cert III is the highest qualification in Rail Infrastructure.

Your EA team continues to have issues with certain competencies and their placement within the ARTC classification structure. Both parties are also still apart on the introduction of automatic career progression. These issues are still being negotiated alongside which level you should achieve Cert II and Cert III in Rail Infrastructure.

RTBU members have also contacted the EA team regarding an update on the other items contained within the member’s log of claims, particularly the annual wage increase. Due to the complexity of these negotiations, ARTC and your representatives agreed to park the outstanding claims, including the pay rise, until the issues surrounding training and the classification structure are addressed.

Your RTBU EA representatives are still committed to every claim that members have, which was presented to ARTC in your log of claims.

During the most recent meeting, your Infrastructure Organising team discussed preliminary plans to conduct a depot tour across the ARTC network to see and chat to all members face to face regarding the Enterprise Agreement, and to introduce the new team representing RTBU members in Infrastructure throughout NSW. ARTC agreed to this and talks will be had to facilitate these visits.

The RTBU will continue to update all Infrastructure members on the progress of these negotiations and will communicate the specifics around the RTBU Infrastructure Tour once it can be arranged.

The RTBU urges all members to contact us on the below if you are not receiving RTBU communications as we are sending out updates after each meeting.

Luke Hayden                                                                                                         Jonathan Parker

lhayden@rtbu-nsw.asn.au                                                                                 infrastructure@rtbu-nsw.asn.au

Ph: 02 9264 2511 or Mob: 0499 710 707                                                      Ph: 02 9264 2511 or Mob: 0418 166 742

We want to ensure that all RTBU members are receiving union updates as soon as they are sent out.

Issued by: Authorised by:
Luke Hayden


Alex Claassens

Branch Secretary

