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Strathfield Signal Box – Meeting with Management Regarding Investigation and Report by Independent

Feb 18, 2014RTBU News

Bulletin 8 – To Signallers –

A joint management and membership meeting was held at Strathfield Signal Complex on Friday 7th February. The purpose of this meeting was to update the membership on the investigation conducted and subsequent report delivered by the independent consultant due to bullying and harassment complaints lodged by delegates and members at this location.

It has been recognised by all parties involved that the issues at Strathfield Signal Complex, coupled with being damaging to all concerned have been protracted and complicated.

The meeting was convened by the Director People from TfNSW and attended by the Director of Operations, the Signal Box Operations Manager and Human Resources. In addition, Alex Claassens, Helen Bellette, Damian Mulholland and Gavin Thomas were present.

During the meeting the term “a line in the sand has been drawn, what was the past is past, and let’s start fresh from today” was referenced. There were also references to the Strathfield issues being progressed with the understanding that bullying and harassment will not be tolerated and that any further claims will be taken very seriously.

The report conducted by the independent consultant has confirmed the concerns raised by RTBU members and Delegates.

All present at the meeting were informed the report reflected the view that it was not Sydney Trains finest moment and harassment and bullying would not be accepted. In addition, it was stated that due to confidentiality reasons of the information contained within the report could not be released.

As a means to address the concerns in the report all parties at Strathfield signal box, staff and management inclusive are to undertake training. The training will be

  •   Respect and dignity
  •   bullying and harassment

Management further identified the need to move forward and the opportunity to work together. The independent consultant will return to the Strathfield Complex in twelve months time to re-interview the people who previously made statements. This is to ensure that Sydney Trains has acted on the recommendations. Outstanding individual issues will be dealt with on an individual basis.

