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Stop the China FTA – Rally 31 July

Jul 21, 2015News

Tony Abbott’s free trade deal with China was negotiated in secret and it’s a bad deal for workers. It’s clear that Tony Abbott’s business mates are the winners, not ordinary working people.
 The deal allows:

  • Chinese companies to bring in an entire workforce from overseas for projects worth over $150 million with as little as a 15% stake in that project and without even advertising for local workers first.
  • It could cost as many as 158,000 local jobs because of cheap Chinese imports that are unfairly subsidised and do not meet Australian standards. Half of Australian businesses surveyed say the deal will hurt them and only 11% say it will help.
  • The agreement will allow Chinese companies to sue Australian governments that pass laws which affect their profits. This is how Phillip Morris has been able to sue us for plain cigarette packaging laws that are saving lives.
  • This trade deal has no commitments to respect workers’ rights. China is one of the ten worst places to be a worker according to the international trade union movement.

We need to stop this deal and now is the time to take action – a Parliamentary Committee is taking evidence about the China FTA over the next month.


Join with other RTBU members and unions across NSW to condemn the China FTA:


When: Friday, July 31, 12 noon – 1pm

Where: NSW Parliament, 6 Macquarie St, Sydney 

If you can’t make the rally you can sign the Unions NSW petition here.

