RTBU Express
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Network Closure and Stand Downs

Apr 24, 2015RTBU News

Your Union has been in urgent discussions with Pacific National in regard to the state of the rail network following this week’s storms in NSW.

Pacific National has advised that the recent storms have caused major damage to the rail network around the Sydney, Illawarra and Hunter regions, and the mainline track north of Newcastle has been closed.

Country rail services around NSW are being severely disrupted, and repairs to some sections of track – particularly in the Hunter and the north of the State – may take several weeks to complete.

The company has asked employees where possible to take accrued leave, however if there is little or no work available staff will then be stood down as per the relevant clauses within our EAs.

Pacific National has given commitment that over the nest two days local managers will consult with individual employees to understand their particular circumstances and examine possible options.

The Union will be regular contact with Pacific National management to ensure that all possible avenues to avoid workers being stood down are explored. We will also be in regular contact with ARTC to get the latest updates on repairs to tracks. In the meantime, members with concerns are encouraged to talk to your local RTBU Delegate or Organiser.

STOP PRESS: We also understand that Aurizon sent a stand down notice to all affected crews on Thursday night. The union will be seeking the same undertakings from Aurizon as Pacific National.



