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Micro management mania – few seconds late? Watch out

Feb 26, 2015Loco Express

Have you ever felt like you’re being micro-managed at work? You’re not alone.

The Loco Division has had many reports from members about management’s ever-increasing levels of micro management of its employees.

It appears that every little thing is now under the spotlight – on time running, dwell times, train management, toilet relief, uniforms, swipe on/off etc. In recent weeks the Loco Division has even had members report that their immediate managers are vigorously pursuing them to explain even 30 second delays and in some cases, investigating the member’s version of events via CCTV footage.

In recent days, we’ve even had report of management questioning drivers of delays of just a few seconds. In one reported case, CCTV was used to investigate the drivers actions after the train departed the platform just 6 seconds after the timetabled departure time.

Obviously this micro management obsession has descended to levels that are bordering on lunacy in order to achieve KPI’s that are totally unachievable. We all want to ensure on-time running of our services, but counting seconds is going too far.

With morale plummeting and incidents on the rise, surely management would achieve better results by taking a genuine interest in the real issues affecting drivers today – things like increasing workload, task overload, in cab distraction, training, rostering and fatigue. These are issues that should be seriously reviewed, rather than applying ever increasing work related pressures to employees already under the pump.

Remember, there are standards of behaviour under the Code of Conduct that everyone must apply to.

If you have any concerns about the way you or your colleagues are being treated by management, please contact your local delegate.

