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Labor to tackle workplace bullying

Mar 26, 2015News

NSW Labor has promised to take action to reduce bullying in the workplaces and protect workers’ rights to dignity and respect if elected this weekend.

Workplace bullying can be incredibly damaging to a worker and takes a heavy emotional and physiological toll on its victims. It also causes decreased productivity, low workplace morale, mental health issues, increased workers compensation claims, absenteeism, investigation costs, legal costs and repetitional damage.

It’s essential that we take action to reduce workplace bullying which is unfortunately insidious in many workplaces.

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Labor’s plan to address bullying

If elected on Saturday Labor has committed to new laws, independent investigations of bullying complaints, a charter of rights for injured workers, an independent umpire for deciding allegations of workplace bullying and to ensure WorkCover is resourced to deal with bullying complaints.


Labor will also work to improve workplace safety more generally by restoring the authority of the Industrial Court, strengthening WorkCover with more inspectors and ensuring that any business tendering for a government contract are role models in workplace safety.

You can download and read Labor’s policies:

Labor’s Plan to Address Bullying in the Workplace

Labor’s Plan for safer workplaces

